Well, I was looking for some accountability, and I got it. Several months ago I was moving to Denver, and knew I needed someone to help me get going in the right direction when I got there. After doing some research it looked like Mrs. Sharpe was the perfect person to provide the firm hand I needed, and a firm hand she has indeed. After communicating back and forth several times, and detailing the issues we were focusing on, we had our first session. Tall, attractive, and definitely in charge of the situation, she made a great impression right off the bat. I was pleased to meet her, and after a brief chat, over her knee I went and my lesson began. It did not end until she felt sure she'd made an impression that I would remember for the next several days. Starting with a firm hand spanking, she gave me an extensive warm up, followed by the hairbrush, multiple straps, and a paddle that definitely got my attention. Along the way, knowing it was my first serious spanking in a long time, she checked in frequently to see how I was doing even as she thoroughly blistered my bottom. Since that first punishment, she's been checking in on my regularly making sure I keep up with my goals, and just treated me to a second session that will keep me headed in the right direction.
If you're looking for accountability in your own life, I can definitely recommend Mrs. Sharpe as a fair and compassionate, but no-nonsense disciplinarian who will leave you with a clear head and a sore bottom every time.